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ADHD Awareness

ADHD Hyperactive vs. ADHD Inattentive:

What's the difference?

From the Desk Of: Tobi Carter, LMSW

October is ADHD Awareness month! Did you know that there are three subtypes of ADHD?

ADHD Hyperactive Type is usually what people think of when they think of ADHD - lots of energy, a need to be constantly moving, frequently fidgeting, interrupting others. Some common signs of ADHD hyperactivity include fidgeting, tapping, not being able to sit still for long, blurting out responses, talking excessively, acting without thinking, easily distracted, and feeling like they're always "on the go." Those that fall under this category tend to be easier to spot and is most often diagnosed.

ADHD Inattentive Type tends to be the opposite of hyperactive types. People who experience this type of ADHD are more likely to struggle with focus and memory issues as compared to the hyperactive type. Some common signs of ADHD Inattentive Type include zoning out during conversations, getting easily distracted, daydreaming, frequently misplacing things, having a hard time finishing assignments, becoming bored quickly, and struggling to listen when spoken to. Those that fall under this category are more often overlooked, as the symptoms are not as visible.

ADHD Combined Type is some combination of the hyperactive and inattentive type and can vary from person to person. To meet this criteria, you need at least five or more symptoms of the inattentive type and at least five or more symptoms of the hyperactive type for at least 6 months. All three of these subtypes can range from mild to severe.

How to Get Support:

If these symptoms sound familiar to yourself or resemble your child, there are plenty of ways to get support. Children and adults who experience ADHD are able to thrive and live a balanced life with the right tools, such as therapy, coaching, or medication. ADHD affects everyone differently, but it is possible to manage symptoms and improve your quality of living. If you're curious about ADHD or want to talk about treatment options for yourself or your child, please reach out to 972-404-3001 to discuss further options. Our therapists specialize in working with individuals who have ADHD by providing them strategies that make daily life a little easier and a little more organized.

Call for more information or to schedule an appointment at (972)404-3001.

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